We have a special home along the river Te Awa Kairangi and wonderful neighbours in the herons, shags, spoonbills and others who live near us. We have Tui, and occasionally grey warbler and fantail, but wouldn’t it be wonderful to see them thrive and the return of Kereru and other native birds? You can join Predator Free Moera to help create an environment where our native wildlife can find food and shelter.
There are a number of ways you can be involved:
- Backyard trapping - We can supply you with a rat trap for your backyard and teach you how to use it safely. We do not charge for the traps, but ask for a koha as we would like everyone to be able to be involved.
- Be a keen trapper - perhaps you’d be able to maintain a number of traps beyond your own property? We often find people who would be happy to have a trap at their place but don’t want to be hands on with it. Could you help a neighbour?
- Coordinate - we are keen to hear from people who have skills to share in helping to run the group. If you like social media, working with data, or are good with people we’d love to hear from you!
If you are searching for our form to record catches, you can find it here.